Saturday, November 6, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba

We spent my birthday last week at the Yo Gabba Gabba concert!  Noah loved it...until the show started.  Then, he was terrified!  We figured out that he just didn't like it when everyone cheered which happened a lot!  He spent most of the concert standing on the side with one of us or out in the hallway.  We all enjoyed it though!  It was the "real" DJ Lance so we were excited about that and Biz from Biz's beat came too!  Don't you love our DJ Lance glasses?  It was funny to see so many other Yo Gabba Gabba fans! 

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Ava is SO IN LOVE WITH YGG! We are going to the concert in Dec. Love his shirt!!
