Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things I've Learned Today...

                                                             (Picture by Sarah Rogers)
1.  Do not go on a walk after 9am....it is HOT!   (Even if you had 2 chocolate donuts for breakfast)
2. Don't leave toilet paper in reach of your toddler while you are in the shower, it may be thrown into the shower with you.
3. Eventually your toddler will crack your Blackberry screen.  (Sometimes twice)
4.  Watching your son and husband dance and laugh is super cute!

I hope you learned some lessons today too! 


  1. Hopping over from Jenna's - your little boy is so cute! And yes, those things are all very true! Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Stopping by from Jenna's Page!!

    Love your post! Oh boy can I relate!!! Only, my 6 year old scratched my Droid! Going for a walk here after 9am is like walking in to a sauna! And the toilet paper wasn't thrown in the shower.. it was thrown in the toilet!!! Thank goodness it wasn't flushed!!! And I love love LOVE watching my kids and their daddy dance and play and laugh!!! It makes my heart melt!!!!

    Your son is adorable!!!!

